the philosophy of Artivism
Artivists champion the communal, universal, healing language of ART.
I’m an Artivist because all it takes is one person to connect many.
– Kim Crecilius
Artivism emboldens the distinct, rare creativity deep within each individual.
I’m an Artivist because others’ creativity inspires my own creativity. I become an artist through that inspiration, the opportunity to work in community, and the permission to s-t-r-e-t-c-h into courage and exploration.
– Jan Leversee
The Artivist Process is the method of discovering, cultivating and supporting everyone’s inner artist in a collaborative environment.
I’m an Artivist because it helps me understand and interact with the world around me. (and it helped my mom!)
– Taage Dressel-Martin
Art awakens our empathy.
I am an Artivist because it breaks down damaging comparisons and builds up heartening connections.
– Sarah Leversee
Humans heal and are healed in the service of art and creativity.
I’m an Artivist because playing is as important to life as breathing.
– Karen Horan
Art helps us understand that which is bigger than ourselves
I’m an Artivist because it is an opportunity to be courageous.
– Leann Roberts
I belong to a community of artists that help me understand that my ideas have meaning. Art as Action gives me a purpose: to support artists through the creation of images. When I help artists to be their best selves, my doubts go away and I own my place as an Artivist.
- Annabelle Denmark, official Art as Action photographer