the moving project (Annual Artivist Performance)

the moving project: Saturday November 23 at 7:30pm & Sunday November 24 at 4pm Colorado Conservatory of Dance 3001 Industrial Lane, #12, Broomfield, CO 80020

  • Start: November 23, 2019 7:30 pm, 1 More
  • End: November 23, 2019 9:30 pm

  • Start: November 24, 2019 4:00 pm
  • End: November 24, 2019 6:00 pm

3001 Industrial Lane #12, Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Tickets Available: Price: $15 in advance / $20 at the door

what moves you?
how do you move through the world?
what systems/symptoms exist that complicate/obstruct your ability to move freely?
what needs to move through you?
how can we move each other?
moving bodies
moving boundaries
moving expectations

the moving project is a collaborative dance + spoken word show created at the intersection of dance, (dis)ability & creative potential.

COME SEE OUR BIG ANNUAL SHOW!  Art as Action’s physically integrative dance company is redefining DANCER with our new show created with our one-of-a-kind creative framework, The Artivist Process.

Company members with and without (dis)abilities contribute piece ideas around a common theme.  The process includes milestones/deadlines that support the evolution and quality of work by new and seasoned artists.  The workshop-style approach enables performers to provide input and feedback, shaping and strengthening each piece and weaving the show together into a cohesive narrative.  The nurturing, collaborative environment makes even the biggest artistic leap feel possible.  Each company member plays a role in the “collective curation,” creating a dynamic show from a wide variety of artistic voices.

Dancers: Carol Cowley, Margie Dahlin, Amy Dressel-Martin, Wayne A. Gilbert, Lisa Johnston, Jan Leversee, Sarah Leversee, Emma Scher, Karen Talcott & Laurie Wood | Musical Interludes by David Wood | Photos by Annabelle Denmark